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We Believe India

Writer's picture: The Gen Z CollectiveThe Gen Z Collective

Parul, the founder of We Believe India and PR Voices gave an inspiring and informative interview, read on!

Tell us all about you and your organization!

Hello! My name is Parul Yadav (she/her) and I am 20 year old Delhi, India based Gen-Z with a passion for women empowerment, menstrual equity and entrepreneurship. I use my voice to pave a way for much-needed conversation and change in my country. I have learned to explore the differences from a place of understanding and now embrace other cultures. My deep curiosity allows me to connect with people meaningfully. As an asian leader, I value that diversity of thought and have learned to broa

den my own perspectives in everything I do.

My social position reflects the minority group of the community, where vocalization of the suppressed is a necessary step to evolve from a mainstream culture to a broad minded holistically developed one. The community that I reside in is incredibly chauvinistic and narrow minded which views feminist movements around the world as a "one size fits all struggle" in a society, here internationalization is often ignored. People here specifically cite and indulge in this society which is mostly governed by patriarchy and conservatives dwelling into masculine supremacy. I plan to use my experience by unleashing individual and collective capacities for gender justice that are unique and politically conscious . 

I founded We Believe India to create a sustainable network for young women in India. I try to lead with peace and compassion because I’ve seen the power it has to impact all kinds of people. To me, grassroots and bottom-up organizing is the best way to see true change.

Through connecting women, I am growing a community through online activities to empower women to realize entrepreneurship by effective sharing, learning, and awarding. We share experience and case studies of women leaders and entrepreneurs to inspire more women to pursue their dreams.

I am also the founder of PR Voices, a virtual public relations agency started because as a woman in global arena, I often see gap in the different spheres of life to bring together voices of diverse backgrounds and communities where everyone can come together to maximize career development and potential. During these unsettling times, it's more than important to lift each other up and put our positive energy out there in the world.

As the name suggests, PR Voices is a virtual agency (for at least now) focusing on bridging the gap between India and other international innovative brands.

Why do you think it’s important for your generation to let their voices be heard?

Young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow – they’re making huge changes to the world around them, right now. Whether it’s through social media or ‘hashtag’ activism, writing online or in their paper about a cause, or taking part in a protest, there are many ways that young people can ‘be the change’ and make a difference to the world.

I personally believe that every generation has a unique quality that makes it amazing for its time. Generation Z, however, never fails to leave me utterly astounded.

Generation Z is opened to a wider view of the world and more connected to people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. There is a deep concern for the state of the world and a desire to take part in the process of bringing it to task. Each and everyone of us need to leverage our voice and rise together.

Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

When I look at the change-makers, the go-getters, those that are championing for a utopian world through technology, activism and revolution. When I speak with them, learn from them and work with them, I am inspired. I imagine merging the joys of overseas travel with the power of language and communities.

I am optimistic. Gen Z is motivated by skill building, continual career growth, opportunities by mentorships and shadowing. We are here to learn, live and love.

What does your organization offer that helps the world be a better place?

We offer mentorship programs called YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Ascending.

Advising Generation Z's "Young Professionals Ascending", is an elite mentoring group for young Indian women ages 18-22 who want to network, develop, volunteer, and thrive! We Believe India is specifically geared towards equipping current or inspiring entrepreneurs and established employees who are seeking promotions, wanting to broaden their network, and looking for volunteer opportunities in their community. WBI members also have the opportunity to mentor underprivileged girls in nearby proximity.

Will you be voting in the next election, or will you once you are eligible to vote?

Yes absolutely! I am eligible to vote & I constantly take up my individual rights to participate meaningfully in all elections via voting and fulfilling my duty as an active citizen.

Please tell us all about your current campaigns, projects and endeavors.

There is a large population of girls in India without the knowledge of how awareness and education is detrimental. With my foundational pillars of ‘volunteerism’, ‘neutrality’, ‘sustainability’ and ‘humanitarianism’ guiding the work I do, the vision for empowerment would be carried out through these broad verticals and via volunteers of all skill sets and backgrounds.

Questions demand the interdisciplinary efforts of philosophers, social scientists, legal scholars and all professions combined together. Through our initiatives we believe a step in the direction of conversation is the need of the hour. There are various public policies to grapple with the development and systematically engage in such questions as well as identify paths toward progress in addressing these pressing issues. The youth is building stronger foundations is the same as achieving goals for their citizens as a whole concept. Thus, We Believe India's future projects excites me to build fundamentalism related to passion about education and self growth.

Tell us where online you and your organization can be found and if there is anything else you would like to say, please do!

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