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“Honest communication is built on truth and integrity and
upon respect of the one for the other.”
— Benjamin E. Mays
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The Gen Z Collective
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1Protests & Marches
Share protests and marches, talk about organizing tactics, and more!
1National Connections
Share resources and gatherings. Add your connections to the collective! Find protests and marches!
1State & Territory Connect
Find your state or territory to talk with people in your area. Share ideas, marches, groups, resources, and more!
Share stories, encourage others, talk about overcoming obstacles.
Talk about career paths you think you'd love and those that aren't for you.
The census is impotant for many reasons, learn more, and share!
Share your opinions on the climate and what we can do to help.
1Drugs and Alcohol
Discuss the pressures and realities of substance abuse and how it has affected you or your loved ones.
1Education and College
Talk about access to and the value of education.
Every person has inalienable rights. How do we move toward a more equal society?
Share family triumphs and troubles!
1General Discussions
Share stories, ideas, perspectives. Learn and grow!
1Mental Health
Discuss mental health struggles and accomplishments—be kind!
4Sexual Abuse & Harassment
Sexual abuse and harrassment are serious issues. You deserve to feel safe at all times!
Discuss spirituality and religion—be respectful of other's beliefs!
Discuss topics such as the threat of war, international power politics, and if nuclear weapons are a valid option.
Chat about voting, who you might vote for, and who you would like to see running for office!
- The Gen Z CollectiveAug 29, 2019Voting“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” - Thomas Jefferson Voting is the main avenue for US citizens to take control of the government! Once a person is elected, they are held by their constituents to the promising they have made. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter misinformation, and other issues facing voters can make it hard or impossible to see your voice reflected by the government. Many people who are eligible to vote in the US do not take part. While some may be misinformed as to their eligibility, others know they can vote but choose not to. Although the US constitution is not perfect and voting rights had to be earned over time for non-land owners, people of color, indigenous people, and women, if more people vote in elections, and on local issues, the country we live in may be represent its citizens. More on How to Vote Do you think voting is important? Are you eligible to vote? Do you know different ways to cast a ballot? Do people in your life vote? Do you believe voting makes a difference? How do you think citizens can best affect change in the government? Share your thoughts and any resource that you have found helpful. -Speak Up and Be Kind!Like
- The Gen Z CollectiveAug 29, 2019Healthy Body Image“The beauty myth is always actually prescribing behaviour and not appearance.” - Naomi Wolf Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%. Healthy Body Image is a struggle for many people. While not everyone who suffers from an unhealthy body image has a mental illness, the two are strongly linked. There is debate as to how much of an effect media has on body image, but it is well known that people judge themselves against what they see. In recent years diversity of bodies has become more common in the media, but there are still lots of places where you may only see models who represent one body type. Unhealthy Body Image is also linked to eating disorders which can compound feelings about a person’s body. As we push for more diverse bodies in media, we can help on an interpersonal level. How do you feel about your body? Do you think it is “normal” to feel that way? What does “Healthy Body Image” mean to you? How can you encourage others or ask for help from others? Share your thoughts and any resource that you have found helpful. -Speak Up and Be Kind! The statistics used were found and are cited at Mental Health by the NumbersLike
- The Gen Z CollectiveAug 29, 2019Eating Disorders“To lose confidence in one’s body is to lose confidence in oneself.” - Simone de Beauvoir Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%. Eating disorders are a very serious and common issue. There are many types of eating disorders, and many types of treatments. Eating disorders often happen alongside other mental illnesses. Click below for more on eating disorders Types of Eating Disorders Finding Treatment Click below for more mental health resources, and check out the Find Help page for help with these and other issues. Mental Health Resources What types of eating disorders have you heard of? Do you or someone you know have an eating disorder? What do you think are some good ways to help someone who has an eating disorder? Share your thoughts and any resource that you have found helpful. -Speak Up and Be Kind! The statistics used were found and are cited at the site below Mental Health by the NumbersLike